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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2010-2012 Julien Veyssier
# This file is part of a weboob module.
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# This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this weboob module. If not, see <>.
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# flake8: compatible

from __future__ import unicode_literals

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import re
from decimal import Decimal
from weboob.browser.elements import ItemElement, ListElement, TableElement, method
from weboob.browser.filters.html import AbsoluteLink, Attr, TableCell, XPath
from weboob.browser.filters.javascript import JSVar
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import (
    CleanDecimal, CleanText, Currency, Date, DateGuesser, Env, Field, Filter, Format, MapIn, Regexp,
from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, LoggedPage, pagination
from weboob.capabilities import NotAvailable
from import Account, AccountOwnerType
from weboob.capabilities.profile import Person
from weboob.exceptions import ActionNeeded, BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserUnavailable
from import FrenchTransaction
from import urljoin
from .landing_pages import GenericLandingPage

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class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
    PATTERNS = [
        (re.compile(r'^VIR(EMENT)? (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
        (re.compile(r'^TRANSFERT? (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
        (re.compile(r'^(PRLV|OPERATION|(TVA )?FACT ABONNEMENTS) (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
        (re.compile(r'^CB (?P<text>.*?)\s+(?P<dd>\d{2})/(?P<mm>[01]\d)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD),
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            re.compile(r'^DAB (?P<dd>\d{2})/(?P<mm>\d{2}) ((?P<HH>\d{2})H(?P<MM>\d{2}) )?(?P<text>.*?)( CB N°.*)?$'),
        (re.compile(r'^(IMPAYE REMISE )?CHEQUE( \d+)?'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
        (re.compile(r'^IMPAYE REMISE CHEQUE'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
        (re.compile(r'^(COM\.?|COTIS\.?|FRAIS) (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile(r'^ARRETE DE COMPTE.*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile(r'^REMISE (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),
        (re.compile(r'^FACTURES CB (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY),
        (re.compile(r'^REJET VIR (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
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class FrameContainer(GenericLandingPage):
    is_here = '//frameset'

    # main page, a frameset
    def on_load(self):
        txt = CleanText('//p[@class="debit"]', default='')(self.doc)
        if "Vos données d'identification (identifiant - code secret) sont incorrectes" in txt:
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword()

    def get_js_url(self):
        # look for frame url in the top page
        return urljoin(self.url, JSVar(CleanText('//script'), var='url')(self.doc))
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    def get_frame(self):
            a = self.doc.xpath('//frame["@name=FrameWork"]')[0]
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        except IndexError:
            return None
            return a.attrib['src']

class UnavailablePage(GenericLandingPage):
    is_here = '//strong[contains(text(),"Service momentanément indisponible.")]'

    def on_load(self):
        raise BrowserUnavailable()

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class AccountsType(Filter):
    PATTERNS = [
        (r'c\.aff', Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        (r'\bssmouv\b', Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        (r'\bpea\b', Account.TYPE_PEA),
        (r'invest', Account.TYPE_MARKET),
        (r'\bptf\b', Account.TYPE_MARKET),
        (r'\bldd\b', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'\bcel\b', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'\bpel\b', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'livret', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'livjeu', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'csljun', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'ldds', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'\blep\b', Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        (r'compte', Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        (r'cpte', Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        (r'scpi', Account.TYPE_MARKET),
        (r'account', Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        (r'\bpret\b', Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        (r'\bvie2?\b', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'strategie patr.', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'essentiel', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'elysee', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'abondance', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'ely\. retraite', Account.TYPE_PERP),
        (r'lae option assurance', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'carte ', Account.TYPE_CARD),
        (r'business ', Account.TYPE_CARD),
        (r'plan assur\. innovat\.', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'hsbc evol pat transf', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'hsbc evol pat capi', Account.TYPE_CAPITALISATION),
        (r'bourse libre', Account.TYPE_MARKET),
        (r'plurival', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        (r'europep', Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
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    def filter(self, label):
        label = label.lower()
        for pattern, type in self.PATTERNS:
            if, label):
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                return type
        return Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

class Label(Filter):
    def filter(self, text):
        return text.lstrip(' 0123456789').title()

class AccountsPage(GenericLandingPage):
    IS_HERE_CONDITIONS = '//p[contains(text(), "Tous mes comptes au ")]|//span[contains(text(), "Tous mes comptes au ")]'

    def is_here(self):
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        return (
            CleanText('//h1[contains(text(), "Synthèse")]')(self.doc)
            or CleanText(
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    def get_web_space(self):
        """ Several spaces on HSBC, need to get which one we are on to adapt parsing to owners"""
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        if self.doc.xpath('//p[text()="HSBC Fusion"]'):
            # TODO ckeck GrayLog and get rid of fusion space code if clients are no longer using it
            self.logger.warning('Passed through the HSBC Fusion webspace')
        elif self.doc.xpath('//a/img[@alt="HSBC"]'):
            return 'new_space'
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    def iter_spaces_account(self, space):
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        accounts = {
            'fusion': self.iter_fusion_accounts,
            'default': self.iter_accounts,
            'new_space': self.iter_new_space_accounts,
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        return accounts[space]()

    def go_history_page(self, account):
        if self.browser.web_space == 'new_space':
                xpath='//form[@id][input[(@name="CPT_IdPrestation" or @name="CB_IdPrestation") and @value="%s"]]' % (
        # TODO get rid of old space code if clients are no longer using it
            for acc in self.doc.xpath('//div[@onclick]'):
                # label contains account number, it's enough to check if it's the right account
                if account.label == Label(CleanText('.//p[@class="title"]'))(acc):
                    form_id = CleanText('.//form/@id')(acc)

    class iter_new_space_accounts(ListElement):
        def find_elements(self):
            # In case of pro/perso space, if we do not precise '//div\[@id="rbb-all"\]', and just leave //form[@id]/parent::*
            # the forms will be fetched twice by weboob because it will go through //div\[@id="rbb-all"\] but also //div\[@id="rbb-pro"\] and //div\[@id="rbb-perso"\].
            all_xpaths = (
                '//div[@id="rbb-all"]//form[@id]/parent::*',  # new space with nav between 'avoirs pro' and 'avoirs perso'
                '//form[@id]/parent::*',  # new space with default accounts page
            for xpath in all_xpaths:
                ret = self.xpath(xpath)
                if ret:
                    return ret
            return {}

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            # If user has professional accounts, owner_type must be defined
            OWNER_TYPE = {
                'Mes avoirs professionnels': AccountOwnerType.ORGANIZATION,
                'Mes avoirs personnels': AccountOwnerType.PRIVATE,
                'Mes crédits personnels': AccountOwnerType.PRIVATE,

            # MapIn because, in case of private account, we actually catch "Mes avoirs personnels Mes crédits personnels" with CleanText which both can be use to recognize the owner_type as PRIVATE
            obj_owner_type = MapIn(CleanText('.//form[@id]/ancestor::div/h2'), OWNER_TYPE, NotAvailable)
            obj_label = Label(CleanText('.//form[@id]/preceding-sibling::p/span[@class="hsbc-pib-text hsbc-pib-bloc-account-name" or @class="hsbc-pib-text--small"]'))
            obj_type = AccountsType(Field('label'))
            obj_url = CleanText('.//form/@action')
            obj_currency = Currency('.//form[@id]/following-sibling::*[1]')
            obj__is_form = bool(CleanText('.//form/@id'))
            obj__amount = CleanDecimal.French('.//form[@id]/following-sibling::*[1]')

            def obj_balance(self):
                if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_CARD:
                    return Decimal(0)
                elif 'Mes crédits' in CleanText('.//ancestor::div[1]/preceding-sibling::*')(self):
                    return - abs(Field('_amount')(self))
                return Field('_amount')(self)

            def obj_coming(self):
                if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_CARD:
                    return Field('_amount')(self)
                return NotAvailable

            def obj_id(self):
                # Investment accounts and main account can have the same id
                _id = CleanText('.//form[@id]/preceding-sibling::*[1]/span[2]', replace=[('.', ''), (' ', '')])(self)
                if "Scpi" in Field('label')(self):
                    return _id + ".SCPI"
                # Same problem with scpi accounts.
                if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_MARKET:
                    return _id + ".INVEST"
                # Cards are displayed like '4561 00XX XXXX 5813 - Carte à  débit différé'
                if 'Carte' in _id:
                    _id = Regexp(pattern=r'(.*)-Carte').filter(_id)
                return _id
            def obj__ref(self):
                # internal account reference ID
                return Attr('.//input[@name="CPT_IdPrestation" or @name="CB_IdPrestation"]', 'value')(self)

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    class iter_accounts(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//tr'
        flush_at_end = True

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            def condition(self):
                return len(self.el.xpath('./td')) > 2 and "en opposition" not in CleanText('./td[1]')(self)
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            # Some accounts have no <a> in the first <td>
                if self.el.xpath('./td[1]/a'):
                    return Label(CleanText('./td[1]/a'))(self) or 'Compte sans libellé'
                return Label(CleanText('./td[1]'))(self) or 'Compte sans libellé'
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            obj_coming = Env('coming')
            obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency('./td[2]')
            def obj_url(self):
                # Accounts without an <a> in the <td> have no link
                if self.el.xpath('./td[1]/a'):
                    return CleanText(AbsoluteLink('./td[1]/a'), default=None, replace=[('\n', '')])(self)
                return None
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            obj_type = AccountsType(Field('label'))
            obj_coming = NotAvailable
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            def obj_balance(self):
                if self.el.xpath('./parent::*/tr/th') and self.el.xpath('./parent::*/tr/th')[0].text in ['Credits', 'Crédits']:
                    return CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True, sign='-').filter(self.el.xpath('./td[3]'))
                return CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(self.el.xpath('./td[3]'))

            def obj_id(self):
                # Investment account and main account can have the same id
                # so we had account type in case of Investment to prevent conflict
                # and also the same problem with scpi accounts.
                if "Scpi" in Field('label')(self):
                    return CleanText(replace=[('.', ''), (' ', '')]).filter(self.el.xpath('./td[2]')) + ".SCPI"
                if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_MARKET:
                    return CleanText(replace=[('.', ''), (' ', '')]).filter(self.el.xpath('./td[2]')) + ".INVEST"
                return CleanText(replace=[('.', ''), (' ', '')]).filter(self.el.xpath('./td[2]'))

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    class iter_fusion_accounts(ListElement):
        def find_elements(self):
            all_xpaths = (
                '//div[@id="All" and @class="tabcontent"]/div',
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            for xpath in all_xpaths:
                ret = self.xpath(xpath)
                if ret:
                    return ret
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                raise AssertionError('Accounts are not well handled')
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        class iter_accounts_tables(ListElement):
            item_xpath = './div[@onclick]'

            class item(ItemElement):
                klass = Account

                obj_label = Label(CleanText('.//p[@class="title"]'))
                obj_balance = CleanDecimal(CleanText('.//p[@class="balance"]'), replace_dots=True)
                obj_currency = Currency(CleanText('.//p[@class="balance"]'))
                obj_type = AccountsType(Field('label'))
                obj_url = CleanText('.//form/@action')
                obj__is_form = bool(CleanText('.//form/@id'))
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                def obj_id(self):
                    account_id = CleanText('.//p[@class="title"]/span', replace=[('.', ''), (' ', '')])(self)
                    # Investment account and main account can have the same id
                    # so we had account type in case of Investment to prevent conflict
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                    # and also the same problem with scpi accounts.
                    if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_MARKET:
                        return account_id + ".INVEST"
                    return account_id

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class OwnersListPage(AccountsPage):
    Within the new space the 'Mes comptes de tiers' service is not activated by default, so this page is empty.
    The only owner in then the 'self owner' which is attached to home_url in `get_owners_urls()`
    Otherwise `get_owners_urls()` fetch urls of other owners and appends it to the self owner url

    def is_here(self):
            CleanText('//h1[text()="Comptes de tiers"]')(self.doc)  # old space
            or CleanText('//h1[text()="Gérer les comptes de mes tiers"]')(self.doc)  # new space

    def get_owners_urls(self):
        if self.browser.web_space == 'new_space':
            owners_url_list = self.doc.xpath('//img[contains(@alt, "Accès aux comptes du tiers")]/parent::a/@href')  # new space
            # the self owner is not diplayed on the page but can be access through a js request
            owners_url_list.insert(0, self.browser.js_url + 'COMPTES_PAN')
            return owners_url_list
        return self.doc.xpath('//div[@class="GoBack"]/a/@href')  # old space
class RibPage(GenericLandingPage):
    def is_here(self):
        return bool(self.doc.xpath('//h1[contains(text(), "RIB/IBAN")]'))

    def link_rib(self, accounts):
        for id, acc in accounts.items():
            if acc.iban or acc.type is not Account.TYPE_CHECKING:
            digit_id = ''.join(re.findall(r'\d', id))
            if digit_id in CleanText('//div[@class="RIB_content"]')(self.doc):
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                acc.iban =
                    CleanText('//div[strong[contains(text(), "IBAN")]]', replace=[(' ', '')])(self.doc)

    def get_rib(self, accounts):
        for nb in range(len(self.doc.xpath('//select/option')) - 1):
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            form = self.get_form(name="FORM_RIB")
            form['index_rib'] = str(nb + 1)
            if self.browser.rib.is_here():
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class Pagination(object):
    def next_page(self):
        links ='//a[@class="fleche"]')
        if len(links) == 0:
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        current_page_found = False
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        for link in links:
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            url = link.attrib.get('href')
            if current_page_found and "#op" not in url:
                # Adding CB_IdPrestation so browser2 use CBOperationPage
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                return url + "&CB_IdPrestation"
            elif "#op" in url:
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                current_page_found = True

class CBOperationPage(GenericLandingPage):
    def is_here(self):
        return (
            CleanText('//h1[text()="Historique des opérations"]')(self.doc)
            and not CleanText('//p[contains(text(), "Solde au")]')(self.doc)
            and (
                CleanText('//a[contains(text(), "Opérations débitées le")]')(self.doc)
                or self.doc.xpath('//form[@name="FORM_LIB_CARTE"]')

    def history_tabs_urls(self):
        # Around the debit day, the first 2 tab links lead to transactions list,
        # containing both the same transactions (for current and next month).
        # Both tabs have class 'uk-active' to use to filter one out.

        for tab in self.doc.xpath('//ul//a[contains(text(), "Débit le")]'):
            xpath = XPath('./ancestor::li[has-class("uk-active")]')(tab)
            if xpath:
                if not duplicated_first_tab:
                    duplicated_first_tab = True
                    urls.append(Attr('.', 'href')(tab))
                urls.append(Attr('.', 'href')(tab))

        return urls
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    class get_history(Pagination, Transaction.TransactionsElement):
        head_xpath = '//table/thead/tr/th'
        item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr[not(has-class("rupture"))]'
        # items to fetch are contained in /tr with at least 4 /td
        # but avoid /tr that are categories such as 'Opérations débitées le ...'

        col_raw = Transaction.TransactionsElement.col_raw + ['Description']
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        class item(Transaction.TransactionElement):

            obj_rdate = Transaction.Date(TableCell('date'))

            def obj_date(self):
                # debit date is guessed in text such as 'Opérations débitées le 05/07'
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                guessed_date = DateGuesser(
                        CleanText(self.xpath('./preceding-sibling::tr[.//a[contains(text(), "Opérations débitées le")]][1]')),
                # Handle the case where the guessed debit date would be before the rdate (happens when
                # the debit date is in january whereas the rdate is in december).
                if guessed_date < Field('rdate')(self):
                    return guessed_date.replace(year=guessed_date.year + 1)
                return guessed_date
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    def get_parent_id(self):
        # The parent id is in the details of the card
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        return Regexp(CleanText('//h2[contains(text(), "Solde du compte")]'), r'Solde du compte (.*)')(self.doc)

    def get_all_parent_id(self):
        all_parent_id = []
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        # deferred cards are displayed with an image contrary to other accounts
        for card in self.doc.xpath('//div/img[contains(@src, "produits/cartes")]'):
            card_id = CleanText('./following-sibling::span[1]')(card)
            # fetch the closest /li sibling (with 'COMPTE'), it is the one that corresponds the parent acount
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            parent_id = CleanText(
                './ancestor::li/preceding-sibling::li[.//span[contains(text(), "COMPTE")]][1]//span[contains(@class, "hsbc-select-account-number")]'
            all_parent_id.append((card_id, parent_id))
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        return all_parent_id
class CPTOperationPage(GenericLandingPage):
    def is_here(self):
        return (
            CleanText('//h1[text()="Historique des opérations"]')(self.doc) and (
                CleanText('''//h2[text()="Recherche d'opération"]''')(self.doc)  # old space
                or CleanText('//label[text()="Rechercher"]')(self.doc)  # new space
            ) and not
            CleanText('//a[contains(text(), "Opérations débitées le")]')(self.doc)  # to differ from CBOperationPage
            and not self.doc.xpath('//form[@name="FORM_LIB_CARTE"]')
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    def get_history(self):
        if self.doc.xpath('//form[@name="FORM_SUITE"]'):
            m ='suite[\s]+=[\s]+([\w]+)', CleanText().filter(self.doc.xpath('//script[contains(text(), "var suite")]')))
            if m and == "true":
                form = self.get_form(name="FORM_SUITE")
                self.doc = self.browser.location("%s" % form.url, params=dict(form)).page.doc
        for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'):
            if script.text is None or script.text.find('\nCL(0') < 0:
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            first_history = None
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            pattern = re.compile(
                r"CL\((\d+),'(.+)','(.+)','(.+)','([\d -\.,]+)',('([\d -\.,]+)',)?'\d+','\d+','[\w\s]+'\);",
                flags=re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE
            for m in pattern.finditer(script.text):
                op = Transaction()
                raw = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ','\n', ' ').replace("\'", "'"))
                op.parse(, raw=raw)
                op._coming = (re.match(r'\d+/\d+/\d+', is None)
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                if first_history is None:
                    first_history = op.to_dict()
                elif first_history == op.to_dict():
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                    self.logger.warning("Find already used line %s", first_history)
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class AppGonePage(HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        self.browser.app_gone = True'Application has gone. Relogging...')

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class LoginPage(HTMLPage):
    def logged(self):
        if self.doc.xpath('//p[contains(text(), "You are now being redirected to your Personal Internet Banking.")]'):
            return True
        return False

    def on_load(self):
        for message in self.doc.xpath('//div[has-class("csPanelErrors")]'):
            error_msg = CleanText('.')(message)
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            if any(
                msg in error_msg
                for msg in [
                    'Please enter valid credentials for memorable answer and password.',
                    'Please enter a valid Username.',
                    'mot de passe invalide',
                    'Log on error',  # wrong otp
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                raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(error_msg)
                raise BrowserUnavailable(error_msg)
    def is_here(self):
        return not self.doc.xpath('//form[@name="launch"]')

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    def login(self, login):
        form = self.get_form(id='idv_auth_form')
        form['userid'] = form['__hbfruserid'] = login
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    def get_error(self):
        return CleanText('//div[contains(@class, "PanelMsgGroup")]')(self.doc)

    def get_no_secure_key_link(self):
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            a = self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(text(), "Without HSBC Secure Key")]')[0]
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        except IndexError:
            return None
            return a.attrib['href']

    def is_secure_key(self):
        return (
            self.doc.xpath('//div[contains(text(), "With HSBC Secure Key")]')
            and 'idv_OtpCredential' in self.get_form()

    def login_w_secure(self, password, secret):
Vincent Paredes's avatar
Vincent Paredes committed
        form = self.get_form(nr=0)
        form['memorableAnswer'] = secret
        inputs = self.doc.xpath('//input[starts-with(@id, "keyrcc_password_first")]')
        split_pass = ''
        if len(password) < len(inputs):
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword('The password must be at least %d characters' % len(inputs))
        elif len(password) > len(inputs):
            # HSBC only use 6 first and last two from the password
            password = password[:6] + password[-2:]

        for i, inpu in enumerate(inputs):
            # The good field are 1,2,3 and the bad one are 11,12,21,23,24,31 and so one
Vincent Paredes's avatar
Vincent Paredes committed
            if int(inpu.attrib['id'].split('first')[1]) < 10:
                split_pass += password[i]
        form['password'] = split_pass

    def login_with_secure_key(self, secret, otp):
        form = self.get_form(nr=0)
        form['memorableAnswer'] = secret
        form['idv_OtpCredential'] = otp

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Vincent Paredes committed
    def useless_form(self):
        form = self.get_form(nr=0)
        # There is space added at the end of the url
        form.url = form.url.rstrip()
Vincent Paredes's avatar
Vincent Paredes committed
class OtherPage(HTMLPage):
ntome's avatar
ntome committed
        ('Votre contrat est suspendu', ActionNeeded),
        ("Vos données d'identification (identifiant - code secret) sont incorrectes", BrowserIncorrectPassword),
        ('Erreur : Votre contrat est clôturé.', ActionNeeded),

    def on_load(self):
ntome's avatar
ntome committed
        for msg, exc in self.ERROR_CLASSES:
            for tag in self.doc.xpath('//p[@class="debit"]//strong[text()[contains(.,$msg)]]', msg=msg):
                raise exc(CleanText('.')(tag))

class ProfilePage(OtherPage):
    # Warning: this page contains a div_err and displays "Service indisponible" even if it is not...
    # but we can still see the data we need
    is_here = '//h1[contains(text(), "mes données")]'

    class get_profile(ItemElement):
        klass = Person

        obj_name = CleanText('//div[@id="div_adr_P1"]//p/label[contains(text(), "Nom")]/parent::p/strong')
        obj_address = CleanText('//div[@id="div_adr_P1"]//p/label[contains(text(), "Adresse")]/parent::p/strong')

class ScpiHisPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def is_here(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//h3[contains(text(), "HISTORIQUE DES MOUVEMENTS")]')

    class iter_history(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[@class="csTable"]//tbody//tr'
        head_xpath = '//table[@class="csTable"]//thead//th/a'

        col_date = 'Date'
        col_amount = 'Montant brut (en €)'
        col_operation = 'Opération'
        col_nature = 'Nature'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            obj_label = Format('%s - %s', CleanText(TableCell('operation')), CleanText(TableCell('nature')))
            obj_rdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('date')), dayfirst=True)
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal(TableCell('amount'), sign='-', replace_dots=True)