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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import calendar
import math
import time
import requests
import re

class Token(object):
    """ Token (Google Translate Token)
    Generate the current token key and allows generation of tokens (tk) with it
    Python version of `token-script.js` itself from

    SALT_1 = "+-a^+6"
    SALT_2 = "+-3^+b+-f"

    def __init__(self):
        self.token_key = None

    def calculate_token(self, text, seed=None):
        """ Calculate the request token (`tk`) of a string
        :param text: str The text to calculate a token for
        :param seed: str The seed to use. By default this is the number of hours since epoch

        if seed is None:
            seed = self._get_token_key()

        [first_seed, second_seed] = seed.split(".")

            d = bytearray(text.encode('UTF-8'))
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # This will probably only occur when d is actually a str containing UTF-8 chars, which means we don't need
            # to encode.
            d = bytearray(text)

        a = int(first_seed)
        for value in d:
            a += value
            a = self._work_token(a, self.SALT_1)
        a = self._work_token(a, self.SALT_2)
        a ^= int(second_seed)
        if 0 > a:
            a = (a & 2147483647) + 2147483648
        a %= 1E6
        a = int(a)
        return str(a) + "." + str(a ^ int(first_seed))

    def _get_token_key(self):
        if self.token_key is not None:
            return self.token_key

        timestamp = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
        hours = int(math.floor(timestamp / 3600))

        response = requests.get("")
        line = response.text.split('\n')[-1]

        tkk_expr =".*?(TKK=.*?;)W.*?", line).group(1)
        a ="a\\\\x3d(-?\d+);", tkk_expr).group(1)
        b ="b\\\\x3d(-?\d+);", tkk_expr).group(1)

        result = str(hours) + "." + str(int(a) + int(b))
        self.token_key = result
        return result

    """ Functions used by the token calculation algorithm """
    def _rshift(self, val, n):
        return val >> n if val >= 0 else (val + 0x100000000) >> n

    def _work_token(self, a, seed):
        for i in range(0, len(seed) - 2, 3):
            char = seed[i + 2]
            d = ord(char[0]) - 87 if char >= "a" else int(char)
            d = self._rshift(a, d) if seed[i + 1] == "+" else a << d
            a = a + d & 4294967295 if seed[i] == "+" else a ^ d
        return a