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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2012 Romain Bignon
# This file is part of a weboob module.
# This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this weboob module. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from binascii import hexlify
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
import re
import sys
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from weboob.browser.elements import method, DictElement, ItemElement
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import CleanText, CleanDecimal, Regexp, Eval, Date, Field
from weboob.browser.filters.html import Attr, Link, AttributeNotFound
from weboob.browser.filters.json import Dict
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserUnavailable, BrowserIncorrectPassword, ActionNeeded
from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, LoggedPage, FormNotFound, JsonPage, RawPage, XMLPage
from import Account, Investment
from weboob.capabilities.profile import Person
from import Advisor
from weboob.capabilities import NotAvailable
from import FrenchTransaction
from import SplitKeyboard
from import retry
from import urlsplit, parse_qsl
from import json
from import to_unicode
from import get_pdf_rows
class BrokenPageError(Exception):

class WikipediaARC4(object):
    def __init__(self, key=None):
        assert isinstance(key, bytes)
        self.state = list(range(256))
        self.x = self.y = 0

        if key is not None:

    def ord(i):
        if sys.version_info.major < 3:
            return ord(i)
        return i

    def chr(i):
        if sys.version_info.major < 3:
            return chr(i)
        return bytes([i])

    def init(self, key):
        for i in range(256):
            self.x = (self.ord(key[i % len(key)]) + self.state[i] + self.x) & 0xFF
            self.state[i], self.state[self.x] = self.state[self.x], self.state[i]
        self.x = 0

    def crypt(self, input):
        output = [None]*len(input)
        for i in range(len(input)):
            self.x = (self.x + 1) & 0xFF
            self.y = (self.state[self.x] + self.y) & 0xFF
            self.state[self.x], self.state[self.y] = self.state[self.y], self.state[self.x]
            output[i] = self.chr((self.ord(input[i]) ^ self.state[(self.state[self.x] + self.state[self.y]) & 0xFF]))
        return b''.join(output)
class BasePage(object):
    ENCODING = 'iso-8859-15'

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
    def get_token(self):
        token = Attr('//form//input[@name="token"]', 'value', default=NotAvailable)(self.doc)
                token = Regexp(Attr('//body', 'onload'), "saveToken\('(.*?)'")(self.doc)
            except AttributeNotFound:
                self.logger.warning('Unable to update token.')
        return token
        token = self.get_token()
        if token:
            self.browser.token = token
            self.logger.debug('Update token to %s', self.browser.token)

    def is_error(self):
        for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'):
            if script.text is not None and \
               (u"Le service est momentanément indisponible" in script.text or
                u"Le service est temporairement indisponible" in script.text or
                u"Votre abonnement ne vous permet pas d'accéder à ces services" in script.text or
                u'Merci de bien vouloir nous en excuser' in script.text):
    def build_token(self, token):
        Each time there is a call to SAB (selectActionButton), the token
        available in the form is modified with a key available in JS:

        ipsff(function(){TW().ipthk([12, 25, 17, 5, 23, 26, 15, 30, 6]);});

        Each value of the array is an index for the current token to append the
        char at this position at the end of the token.
        table = None
        for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'):
            if script.text is None:
            m ='ipthk\(([^\)]+)\)', script.text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            if m:
                table = json.loads(
        if table is None:
            return token

        for i in table:
            token += token[i]
        return token

    def get_params(self):
        params = {}
        for field in self.doc.xpath('//input'):
            params[field.attrib['name']] = field.attrib.get('value', '')
        return params

    def get_button_actions(self):
        actions = {}
        for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'):
            if script.text is None:

            for id, action, strategy in re.findall(r'''attEvt\(window,"(?P<id>[^"]+)","click","sab\('(?P<action>[^']+)','(?P<strategy>[^']+)'\);"''', script.text, re.MULTILINE):
                actions[id] = {'dialogActionPerformed': action,
                               'validationStrategy': strategy,
        return actions

    def get_back_button_params(self, params=None, actions=None):
        btn = self.doc.xpath('.//button[span[text()="Retour"]]')
        if not btn:

        params = params or self.get_params()
        actions = actions or self.get_button_actions()
        key = btn[0].attrib['id']
        assert actions.get(key), "Key %s not found in actions %s" % (key, actions)  # Currently it never happens
        params['token'] = self.build_token(params['token'])
        return params

class MyHTMLPage(BasePage, HTMLPage):
    def build_doc(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        data = data.replace(b'\x00', b'')
        return super(MyHTMLPage, self).build_doc(data, *args, **kwargs)

class RedirectPage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    var i = 'lyhrnu551jo42yfzx0jm0sqk';
    setCookie('i', i);
    var welcomeMessage = decodeURI('M MACHIN');
    var lastConnectionDate = decodeURI('17 Mai 2013');
    var lastConnectionTime = decodeURI('14h27');
    var userId = '12345678';
    var userCat = '1';
    setCookie('uwm', $.rc4EncryptStr(welcomeMessage, i));
    setCookie('ulcd', $.rc4EncryptStr(lastConnectionDate, i));
    setCookie('ulct', $.rc4EncryptStr(lastConnectionTime, i));
    setCookie('uid', $.rc4EncryptStr(userId, i));
    setCookie('uc', $.rc4EncryptStr(userCat, i));
    var agentCivility = 'Mlle';
    var agentFirstName = decodeURI('Jeanne');
    var agentLastName = decodeURI('Machin');
    var agentMail = decodeURI('');
    setCookie('ac', $.rc4EncryptStr(agentCivility, i));
    setCookie('afn', $.rc4EncryptStr(agentFirstName, i));
    setCookie('aln', $.rc4EncryptStr(agentLastName, i));
    setCookie('am', $.rc4EncryptStr(agentMail, i));
    var agencyLabel = decodeURI('DTC');
    var agencyPhoneNumber = decodeURI('0123456789');
    setCookie('al', $.rc4EncryptStr(agencyLabel, i));
    setCookie('apn', $.rc4EncryptStr(agencyPhoneNumber, i));

    Note: that cookies are useless to login on website

    def add_cookie(self, name, value):
        # httplib/cookielib don't seem to like unicode cookies...
        if sys.version_info.major < 3:
            name = to_unicode(name).encode('utf-8')
            value = to_unicode(value).encode('utf-8')
        self.browser.logger.debug('adding cookie %r=%r', name, value)
        self.browser.session.cookies.set(name, value, domain=urlsplit(self.url).hostname)
        redirect_url = None
        args = {}
        RC4 = None
        for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'):
            if script.text is None:

            m ='window.location=\'([^\']+)\'', script.text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            if m:
                redirect_url =

            for line in script.text.split('\r\n'):
                m = re.match("^var (\w+) ?= ?[^']*'([^']*)'.*", line)
                if m:
                    args[] =

                m = re.match("^setCookie\('([^']+)', (\w+)\);", line)
                if m:
                    self.add_cookie(, args[])

                m = re.match("^setCookie\('([^']+)', .*rc4EncryptStr\((\w+), \w+\)", line)
                if m:
                    enc = RC4.crypt(args[].encode('ascii'))
                    self.add_cookie(, hexlify(enc).decode('ascii'))

                if RC4 is None and 'i' in args:
                    RC4 = WikipediaARC4(args['i'].encode('ascii'))

        if redirect_url is not None:
            url = self.browser.absurl(redirect_url)
            headers = {'Referer': self.url}
            self.browser.location(url, headers=headers)
            form = self.get_form(name="CyberIngtegrationPostForm")
        except FormNotFound:
class ErrorPage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        if CleanText('//script[contains(text(), "momentanément indisponible")]')(self.doc):
            raise BrowserUnavailable(u"Le service est momentanément indisponible")
        elif CleanText('//h1[contains(text(), "Cette page est indisponible")]')(self.doc):
            raise BrowserUnavailable('Cette page est indisponible')
        return super(ErrorPage, self).on_load()

    def get_token(self):
            buf = self.doc.xpath('//body/@onload')[0]
        except IndexError:
            m ="saveToken\('([^']+)'\)", buf)
            if m:

class UnavailablePage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        h1 = CleanText('//h1[1]')(self.doc)
        if "est indisponible" in h1:
            raise BrowserUnavailable(h1)
        body = CleanText(".")(self.doc)
        if "An unexpected error has occurred." in body or "Une erreur s'est produite" in body:
            raise BrowserUnavailable(body)
        a = Link('//a[@class="btn"][1]', default=None)(self.doc)
            raise BrowserUnavailable()
class LoginPage(MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        h1 = CleanText('//h1[1]')(self.doc)
        if h1.startswith('Le service est moment'):
            text = CleanText('//h4[1]')(self.doc) or h1
            raise BrowserUnavailable(text)
        if not self.browser.no_login:
            raise LoggedOut()

    def login(self, login, passwd):
        form = self.get_form(name='Login')
        form['IDToken1'] = login.encode(self.ENCODING)
        form['IDToken2'] = passwd.encode(self.ENCODING)
class MyVirtKeyboard(SplitKeyboard):
    char_to_hash = {
        '0': 'cce0f72c47c74a3dde57c4fdbcda1db4',
        '1': 'f5d22afb3ece4dec73bd8a2a4c2844da',
        '2': '6d3e5db2ccac3f2c13c1f0ba22571857',
        '3': ('c8e4f6addac4d322f0f9668d472a146c', '34d0566ea3f2330c675365da3178f6ab'),
        '4': '8a8c769418ec829c208ed442fbf5fe77',
        '5': '2c3ae480bc91f73b431b048b584026c7',
        '6': 'a80d639443818e838b434c36dd518df5',
        '7': '8e59048702e4c5f89bbbc1a598d06d1e',
        '8': '46bc59a5b288c63477ff52811a3961c5',
        '9': 'a7bf34568154ef91e990aa5bade3e946',
    codesep = ' '

    def convert(self, buffer):
        im =
        im = im.resize((5, 8), Image.BICUBIC)
        im = im.filter(ImageFilter.UnsharpMask(radius=2,
        im = im.convert("L", dither=Image.NONE)
        im = Image.eval(im, lambda x: 0 if x < 160 else 255)
        s = BytesIO(), 'png')
        return s.getvalue()

class Login2Page(LoginPage):
    def request_url(self):
        transactionID = self.params['transactionID']
        assert transactionID
        return self.browser.redirect_url + transactionID
        if not self.browser.no_login:
            raise LoggedOut()

        r =
        doc = r.json()
        self.form_id, = [(k, v[0]['id'], v[0]['type']) for k, v in doc['step']['validationUnits'][0].items() if v[0]['type'] in ('PASSWORD_LOOKUP', 'IDENTIFIER')]
    def virtualkeyboard(self, vk_obj, password):
        imgs = {}
        lst_img = self.browser.location(vk_obj['externalRestMediaApiUrl']).json()
        for img_info in lst_img:
            value = img_info['value']
            url = img_info['uri']

            resp = self.browser.location(url)
            imgs[value] = resp.content

        return MyVirtKeyboard(imgs).get_string_code(password)

    def login(self, login, password):
ntome's avatar
ntome committed
        payload = {
            'validate': {
                self.form_id[0]: [ {
                    'id': self.form_id[1],
                    'login': login.upper(),
                    'password': password,
                    'type': 'PASSWORD_LOOKUP',
                } ]
        url = self.request_url + '/step'
        if self.form_id[2] == 'IDENTIFIER':
            del payload['validate'][self.form_id[0]][0]['password']
            payload['validate'][self.form_id[0]][0]['type'] = 'IDENTIFIER'
            doc =, json=payload).json()

            for k, v in doc['validationUnits'][0].items():
                if v[0]['type'] in ('PASSWORD',):
                    form_id = (k, v[0]['id'], v[0]['type'])

                if v[0].get('virtualKeyboard'):
                    if not password.isdigit():
                        # Users who get the virtual keyboard needs a password with digits only
                        raise BrowserIncorrectPassword()
                    password = self.virtualkeyboard(vk_obj=v[0]['virtualKeyboard'],
            payload = {
                'validate': {
                    form_id[0]: [{
                        'id': form_id[1],
                        'password': password,
                        'type': 'PASSWORD',
        r =, json=payload)
        doc = r.json()
        self.logger.debug('doc = %s', doc)
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
        if 'phase' in doc and doc['phase']['state'] == 'TERMS_OF_USE':
            # Got:
            # {u'phase': {u'state': u'TERMS_OF_USE'}, u'validationUnits': [{u'LIST_OF_TERMS': [{u'type': u'TERMS', u'id': u'b7f28f91-7aa0-48aa-8028-deec13ae341b', u'reference': u'CGU_CYBERPLUS'}]}]}
            if 'reference' in doc['validationUnits'][0]:
                del doc['validationUnits'][0]['reference']
            elif 'reference' in doc['validationUnits'][0]['LIST_OF_TERMS'][0]:
                del doc['validationUnits'][0]['LIST_OF_TERMS'][0]['reference']
            payload = {'validate': doc['validationUnits'][0]}

            url = self.request_url + '/step'
            r =, json=payload)
            doc = r.json()
            self.logger.debug('doc = %s', doc)
        if 'phase' in doc and doc['phase']['state'] == "ENROLLMENT":
            raise ActionNeeded()

        if (('phase' in doc and doc['phase']['previousResult'] == 'FAILED_AUTHENTICATION') or
            doc['response']['status'] != 'AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS'):
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword()

        data = {'SAMLResponse': doc['response']['saml2_post']['samlResponse']}
        self.browser.location(doc['response']['saml2_post']['action'], data=data)
class AlreadyLoginPage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def is_here(self):
            doc = json.loads(self.response.text)
            if 'response' in doc:
                return doc['response']['status'] == 'AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS' and 'saml2_post' in doc['response']
            # not a json page
            # so it should be Login2Page
            return False
        return False

class IndexPage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def get_token(self):
        url = self.doc.xpath('//frame[@name="portalHeader"]')[0].attrib['src']
        v = urlsplit(url)
        args = dict(parse_qsl(v.query))
        return args['token']

class HomePage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    # Sometimes, the page is empty but nothing is scrapped on it.
    def build_doc(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        if not data:
            return None
        return super(MyHTMLPage, self).build_doc(data, *args, **kwargs)

    # sometime the server redirects to a bad url, not containing token.
    # therefore "return args['token']" crashes with a KeyError
    def get_token(self):
        vary = None
        if self.params.get('vary', None) is not None:
            vary = self.params['vary']
            for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'):
                if script.text is None:

                m ="'vary', '([\d-]+)'\)", script.text)
                if m:
                    vary =
        url = self.browser.absurl('/portailinternet/Transactionnel/Pages/CyberIntegrationPage.aspx')
        headers = {'Referer': self.url}

        # Sometime, the page is a 302 and redirect to a page where there are no information that we need,
        # so we try with 2 others url to further fetch token when empty page
        r =, data='taskId=aUniversMesComptes', params={'vary': vary}, headers=headers)

        if not int(r.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)):
            r =, data='taskId=aUniversMesComptes', headers=headers)

        if not int(r.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)):
            r =, data={'taskId': 'equipementDom'}, params={'vary': vary}, headers=headers)

        date = None
        for script in doc.xpath('//script'):
            if script.text is None:

            m ='lastConnectionDate":"([^"]*)"', script.text)
            if m:
                date =

        url = self.browser.absurl('/cyber/ibp/ate/portal/integratedInternet.jsp')
        data = 'session%%3Aate.lastConnectionDate=%s&taskId=aUniversMesComptes' % date
        headers = {'Referer': r.url}
        r =, data=data, headers=headers)

        v = urlsplit(r.url)
        args = dict(parse_qsl(v.query))
        return args['token']

class AccountsPage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    ACCOUNT_TYPES = {u'Mes comptes d\'épargne':            Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     u'Mon épargne':                       Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     u'Placements':                        Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     u'Liste complète de mon épargne':     Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     u'Mes comptes':                       Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                     u'Comptes en euros':                  Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                     u'Mes comptes en devises':            Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                     u'Liste complète de mes comptes':     Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                     u'Mes emprunts':                      Account.TYPE_LOAN,
                     u'Liste complète de mes emprunts':    Account.TYPE_LOAN,
                     u'Financements':                      Account.TYPE_LOAN,
                     u'Liste complète de mes engagements': Account.TYPE_LOAN,
                     u'Mes services':                      None,    # ignore this kind of accounts (no bank ones)
                     u'Équipements':                       None,    # ignore this kind of accounts (no bank ones)
                     u'Synthèse':                          None,    # ignore this title
    PATTERN = [(re.compile('.*Titres Pea.*'), Account.TYPE_PEA),
               (re.compile(".*Plan D'epargne En Actions.*"), Account.TYPE_PEA),
               (re.compile(".*Compte Especes Pea.*"), Account.TYPE_PEA),
               (re.compile('.*Plan Epargne Retraite.*'), Account.TYPE_PERP),
               (re.compile('.*Titres.*'), Account.TYPE_MARKET),
               (re.compile('.*Selection Vie.*'),Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
Jonathan Schmidt's avatar
Jonathan Schmidt committed
               (re.compile('^Fructi Pulse.*'), Account.TYPE_MARKET),
               (re.compile('^(Quintessa|Solevia).*'), Account.TYPE_MARKET),
               (re.compile('^Plan Epargne Enfant Mul.*'), Account.TYPE_MARKET),
               (re.compile('^Alc Premium'), Account.TYPE_MARKET),
               (re.compile('^Plan Epargne Enfant Msu.*'), Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
        if self.doc.xpath('//span[contains(text(), "du navigateur Internet.")]'):
    def is_short_list(self):
        return len(self.doc.xpath('//script[contains(text(), "EQUIPEMENT_COMPLET")]')) > 0
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
    COL_NUMBER = 0
    COL_TYPE = 1
    COL_LABEL = 2
    COL_COMING = 4

    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        account_type = Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

        params = self.get_params()
        actions = self.get_button_actions()
        for div in self.doc.xpath('//div[has-class("btit")]'):
            if div.text in (None, u'Synthèse'):
            account_type = self.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(div.text.strip(), Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            if account_type is None:
                # ignore services accounts
                self.logger.debug('Ignore account type %s', div.text.strip())
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed

            # Go to the full list of this kind of account, if any.
            btn = div.getparent().xpath('.//button[span[text()="Suite"]]')
            if len(btn) > 0:
                _params = params.copy()

            currency = None
            for th in div.getnext().xpath('.//thead//th'):
                m = re.match('.*\((\w+)\)$', th.text)
                if m and currency is None:
                    currency = Account.get_currency(

            for tr in div.getnext().xpath('.//tbody/tr'):
                if 'id' not in tr.attrib:
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed

                args = dict(parse_qsl(tr.attrib['id']))
                tds = tr.findall('td')

                if len(tds) < 4 or 'identifiant' not in args:
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                    self.logger.warning('Unable to parse an account')

                account = Account()
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
       = args['identifiant'].replace(' ', '')
                account.label = u' '.join([u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[1].itertext()]),
                                           u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[2].itertext()])]).strip()
Jonathan Schmidt's avatar
Jonathan Schmidt committed

                for pattern, _type in self.PATTERN:
                    match = pattern.match(account.label)
                    if match:
                        account.type = _type
                        account.type = account_type
                balance_text = u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[3].itertext()])
                balance = FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(balance_text)
                account.balance = Decimal(balance or '0.0')
                account.currency = currency or Account.get_currency(balance_text)
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                if account.type == account.TYPE_LOAN:
                    account.balance = - abs(account.balance)
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                account._prev_debit = None
                account._next_debit = None
                account._params = None
                account._coming_params = None
                account._coming_count = None
                account._invest_params = None
                if balance != u'' and len(tds[3].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
                    account._params = params.copy()
                    account._params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SOLDE'
                    account._params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]
                if len(tds) >= 5 and len(tds[self.COL_COMING].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                    _params = account._params.copy()
                    _params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'ENCOURS_COMPTE'
                    _params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

                    # If there is an action needed before going to the cards page, save it.
                    m ='dialogActionPerformed=([\w_]+)', self.url)
                    if m and != 'EQUIPEMENT_COMPLET':
                        _params['prevAction'] =
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed

                if not account._params:
                    account._invest_params = params.copy()
                    account._invest_params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'CONTRAT'
                    account._invest_params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]
        # Needed to preserve navigation.
        self.browser.follow_back_button_if_any(params=params.copy(), actions=actions)
class AccountsFullPage(AccountsPage):
class CardsPage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    COL_ID = 1
    COL_TYPE = 2
    COL_LABEL = 3
    COL_DATE = 4
    COL_AMOUNT = 5
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        params = self.get_params()
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed

        account = None
        currency = None
        for th in self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]//thead//th'):
            m = re.match('.*\((\w+)\)$', th.text)
            if m and currency is None:
                currency = Account.get_currency(

            currency = Account.get_currency(CleanText('//td[@id="tbl1_0_5_Cell"]//span')(self.doc))
        for tr in self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]/tbody/tr'):
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            cols = tr.xpath('./td')

            if len(cols) == 1 and CleanText('.')(cols[0]) == 'pas de carte':
                self.logger.debug('there are no cards on this page')

            # We are processing another card, so reset account
            if CleanText('.')(cols[0]) and account is not None:
                yield account
                account = None

            id = CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_ID])
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            if len(id) > 0:
                if account is not None:
                    yield account
                account = Account()
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
       = id.replace(' ', '')
                account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                account.balance = account.coming = Decimal('0')
                account._next_debit =
                account._prev_debit =,1,1)
                account.label = u' '.join([CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_TYPE]),
                account.currency = currency
                account._invest_params = None
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                account._coming_params = params.copy()
                account._coming_params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                account._coming_params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

                # select current row and next rows till parent name is empty
                account._coming_start = int(tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1])
                account._coming_count = 1
                for row in tr.xpath('./following-sibling::tr[./td[5]/span[not(contains(text(), "(1)"))]]'):
                    if CleanText('./td[2]')(row):
                    account._coming_count += 1

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            elif account is None:
                raise BrokenPageError('Unable to find accounts on cards page')
                account._params = params.copy()
                account._params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                account._params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

            date_col = CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_DATE])
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            m ='(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', date_col)
            if not m:
                self.logger.warning('Unable to parse date %r' % date_col)

            date =*[int(c) for c in m.groups()][::-1])
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            if date.year < 100:
                date = date.replace(year=date.year+2000)

            amount = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_AMOUNT])))
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed

            if not date_col.endswith('(1)'):
                # debited
                account.coming += - abs(amount)
                account._next_debit = date
            elif date > account._prev_debit:
                account._prev_balance = - abs(amount)
                account._prev_debit = date

        if account is not None:
            yield account
        # Needed to preserve navigation.
class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
    PATTERNS = [(re.compile('^RET DAB (?P<text>.*?) RETRAIT (DU|LE) (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d+).*'),
                (re.compile('^RET DAB (?P<text>.*?) CARTE ?:.*'),
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                (re.compile('^(?P<text>.*) RETRAIT DU (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{2}) .*'),
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                (re.compile('^(RETRAIT CARTE )?RET(RAIT)? DAB (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile('((\w+) )?(?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{2}) CB[:\*][^ ]+ (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile('^VIR(EMENT)? (?P<text>.*)'),   FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
                (re.compile('^(PRLV|PRELEVEMENT) (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<text>CHEQUE .*)'),   FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                (re.compile('^(AGIOS /|FRAIS) (?P<text>.*)', re.IGNORECASE),
                (re.compile('^(CONVENTION \d+ )?COTIS(ATION)? (?P<text>.*)', re.IGNORECASE),
                (re.compile('^REMISE (?P<text>.*)'),        FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                (re.compile('^(?P<text>ECHEANCE PRET .*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_LOAN_PAYMENT),
                (re.compile('^(?P<text>.*)( \d+)? QUITTANCE .*'),
                (re.compile('^.* LE (?P<dd>\d{2})/(?P<mm>\d{2})/(?P<yy>\d{2})$'),
                (re.compile(r'^RELEVE CARTE'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY),
class TransactionsPage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def get_next_params(self):
        nxt = self.doc.xpath('//li[contains(@id, "_nxt")]')
        if len(nxt) == 0 or nxt[0].attrib.get('class', '') == 'nxt-dis':
            return None

        params = {}
        for field in self.doc.xpath('//input'):
            params[field.attrib['name']] = field.attrib.get('value', '')

        params['validationStrategy'] = 'NV'
        params['pagingDirection'] = 'NEXT'
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
        params['pagerName'] = nxt[0].attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[0]
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
    def get_history(self, account, coming):
        if len(self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]')) > 0:
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            return self.get_account_history()
        if len(self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="TabFact"]')) > 0:
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            return self.get_card_history(account, coming)

        raise NotImplementedError('Unable to find what kind of history it is.')
    COL_LABEL = 1
    COL_REF = 2 # optional
    COL_OP_DATE = -4
    COL_DEBIT = -2
    COL_CREDIT = -1
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Romain Bignon committed
    def get_account_history(self):
        # Keep track of the order in the transaction list, so details can be retrieve
        # Because each transaction row has a different id
        # in the html page for each request of the TransactionPage
        for tr in self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]/tbody/tr'):
            tds = tr.findall('td')

Vincent Paredes's avatar
Vincent Paredes committed
            t = Transaction()
            # get the column index of the link to access transaction details
            # (only used for GoCardLess transactions so far)
            t._has_link = bool(tds[self.COL_DEBIT].findall('a') or tds[self.COL_CREDIT].findall('a'))

            # XXX We currently take the *value* date, but it will probably
            # necessary to use the *operation* one.
            # Default sort on website is by compta date, so in we
            # change the sort on value date.
            cleaner = CleanText(None).filter
            date = cleaner(tds[self.COL_OP_DATE])
            vdate = cleaner(tds[self.COL_VALUE_DATE])
            raw = cleaner(tds[self.COL_LABEL])
            debit = cleaner(tds[self.COL_DEBIT])
            credit = cleaner(tds[self.COL_CREDIT])
            t.bdate = Date(dayfirst=True).filter(cleaner(tds[self.COL_COMPTA_DATE]))
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            t.parse(date, re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', raw), vdate)
            t.set_amount(credit, debit)
            t._amount_type = 'debit' if t.amount == debit else 'credit'

            # Strip the balance displayed in transaction labels
            t.label = re.sub('solde en valeur : .*', '', t.label)
            t.raw = re.sub('solde en valeur : .*', '', t.raw)
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            # XXX Fucking hack to include the check number not displayed in the full label.
Jonathan Schmidt's avatar
Jonathan Schmidt committed
            if re.match("^CHEQUE |^CHQ VOTRE CHEQUE", t.label):
                t.raw = '%s No: %s' % (t.raw, cleaner(tds[self.COL_REF]))
            # In rare cases, label is empty ..
            if not t.label:
                t.label = cleaner(tds[self.COL_REF])
            # To be able to find by ref on the transaction page
            t._ref = cleaner(tds[self.COL_REF])

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed

    def get_card_history(self, account, coming):
        if coming:
            debit_date = account._next_debit
        elif not hasattr(account, '_prev_balance'):
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            debit_date = account._prev_debit
            if '' in self.url:
                t = Transaction()
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
                t.parse(debit_date, 'RELEVE CARTE')
                t.amount = -account._prev_balance
                yield t

        currency = Account.get_currency(self.doc\
                                        .replace('(', ' ')\
                                        .replace(')', ' '))
        for i, tr in enumerate(self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="TabFact"]/tbody/tr')):
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            tds = tr.findall('td')

            if len(tds) < 3:

            t = Transaction()
            cleaner = CleanText(None).filter
            date = cleaner(tds[self.COL_CARD_DATE])
            label = cleaner(tds[self.COL_CARD_LABEL])
            amount = '-' + cleaner(tds[self.COL_CARD_AMOUNT])
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed

            t.parse(debit_date, re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', label))
            t.rdate = t.bdate = t.parse_date(date)
            t.original_currency = currency
            if not t.type:
                t.type = Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
            yield t

    def no_operations(self):
        if len(self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1" or @id="TabFact"]//td[@colspan]')) > 0:
            return True
        if len(self.doc.xpath(u'//div[contains(text(), "Accès à LineBourse")]')) > 0:
            return True

        return False

    def get_investment_page_params(self):
        script = self.doc.xpath('//body')[0].attrib['onload']
        m ="','([^']+?)',\[", script, re.MULTILINE)
        if m:
            url =
        params = {}
        for key, value in re.findall(r"key:'(?P<key>SJRToken)'\,value:'(?P<value>.*?)'}", script, re.MULTILINE):
            params[key] = value
        return url, params if url and params else None
    def get_transaction_table_id(self, ref):
        tr = self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]/tbody/tr[.//span[contains(text(), "%s")]]' % ref)[0]

        key = 'attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]
        value = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

        return key, value
    def get_gocardless_strategy_param(self, transaction):
        # A form is filled and send with javascript
        # the 'validationStrategy' parameter value only depends on the column
        # index in which the link lies
        # To get more details about how things are done, see the following javascript functions:
        #- attachTableRowEvents (atre)
        #- attachActiveSelectionEventsOnRow
        #- astr
        #- updateSelection (uds)
        #- selectActionButton (sab)
        #- a script element embedded in the html page (search for "tcl5", "tcl6")

        assert transaction._has_link

        if transaction._amount_type == 'debit':
            return 'AV'
        elif transaction._amount_type == 'credit':
            return 'NV'

class NatixisChoicePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        message = CleanText('//span[@class="rf-msgs-sum"]', default='')(self.doc)
        if"Le service de consultation de votre contrat \w+ est momentanément indisponible.", message):
            raise BrowserUnavailable()
        # TODO handle when there are multiple accounts on this page
        account_tr, = self.doc.xpath('//tbody[@id="list:dataVie:tb"]/tr')'opening automatically account %s', CleanText('./td[1]')(account_tr))

class NatixisPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        form = self.get_form(name="formRoutage")
        form['javax.faces.source'] = 'formRoutageButton'
        form['javax.faces.partial.execute'] = 'formRoutageButton @component'
        form['javax.faces.partial.render'] = '@component'
        form['AJAX:EVENTS_COUNT'] = '1'
        form['javax.faces.partial.ajax'] = 'true'
        form['javax.faces.partial.event'] = 'click'
        form['org.richfaces.ajax.component'] = 'formRoutageButton'
        form['formRoutageButton'] = 'formRoutageButton'
        form.request.headers['Faces-Request'] = 'partial/ajax'
class TransactionsBackPage(TransactionsPage):
    def is_here(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//div[text()="Liste des écritures"]')

class NatixisRedirect(LoggedPage, XMLPage):
    def get_redirect(self):
        url = self.doc.xpath('/partial-response/redirect/@url')[0]
        return url.replace('http://', 'https://') # why do they use http on a bank site???