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Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
Woob 3.6 (2023-05-23)

	* new espacecitoyens module (CapDocument) (!771)

	* BaseObject: do not include 'id' in iter_fields() if it has been deleted
	* add log if liquidity is
	negative (!782)

	* Browser can be used as a context manager (!791)
	* woob.browser.elements: add reroot to ItemElement and change when it
	is done (!768)
	* woob.browser.filters: make Dict with empty selector return the root
	itself (!768)
	* add 'verify' argument to Browser to override the browser value

	* use sphinx_autodoc_typehints to have a better display of function
	signatures and documentation (!793)
	* link API reference to python and requests ones (!791)
	* enhance browser documentation (!791)

	* ModulesLoader: support when woob version is not provided (!786)
	* add with_values and others for module inheritances
	* do not display the value in error messages (!773)
	* fix: NotImplementedWebsite correctly calls the parent class
	constructor (!772)
	* add 'ssl_verify' parameter to Module to override the browser value

	* console progress: display a beautiful progress bar (!792)
	* some pretty changes on console applications (!792)
	* new module to provide pretty things
	* deprecate --nss (!792)
	* woob application: move it in woob.launcher (!776)
	* woob application: handle when an application fails to load (!786)

	* remove .mailmap file
	* pyproject: add url to git repository
	* do not edit commit messages anymore
	* replace all http links to https (!791)

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
Woob 3.5 (2023-04-08)

	* woob isn't a namespace package
	* add annotations (!744)

	* remove Module.VERSION useless attribute (!753)
	* repositories: add 'woob_spec' in modules.list, and check the woob
	  version during install (!752)
	* add 'parse_requirements' function to parse a
	  requirements.txt and return a dict (!752)
	* woob.core.repositories: fix mtime version calculation for one-line
	  modules (!752)
	* woob.core.modules: check module version *before* loading it (!752)
	* woob.core.backendcfg: remove compatibility support of old '_backend'
	  parameter (!746)
	* do not load config in module to save it in backendscfg (!746)

	* pyproject: Add pycountry dependency (!760)
	* use pre-commit with several linters (!758)
	* remove setup.cfg
	* pyproject: use setuptools as backend (!758)

	* add DigestMixin
	* woob.browser.cloudscraper: add a new CloudScraperMixin (!755)

	Browser: Filters
	* new filter CountryCode (!760)

	* CapProfile: add country code to PostalAddress class (!760)
	* CapBank: Add iter_transactions (!760)
	* CapCaptchaSolver: Add Turnstile handling

	* move NoAccountsException into (!748)
	* move captcha specific exceptions into woob.capabilities.captcha
	* deprecate NotImplementedWebsite exception and implemented_websites decorator

	* remove the 'webkit' formatter (!751)
	* add command 'storage' to edit/flush backends storage (!759)
	* do not handle specific exception NoAccountsException
	* fix acquire_input encoding issues, and add 'suffix' argument

	Applications: config
	* do not display transient fields

	Applications: main
	* try to find applications in the namespace package woob_applications

	* boilerplate: add requirements.txt and remove Module.VERSION

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
Woob 3.4 (2023-03-05)

	* deprecate 'woob' and 'weboob' arguments to Browser constructor
	* deprecate the Weboob profile
	* deprecate the RequestsManager class
	* deprecate Abstract* classes

	* add a LowSecHTTPAdapter to use in Browers' HTTP_ADAPTER_CLASS to be
	  more permissive with low-security websites.

	* Add birth_place field to CapProfile

	* deprecate the 'weboob' attribute
	* allow loading single-file modules

	* in debug mode, display all warnings including deprecation ones
	* display a user friendly error message if prettytable is missing

	* add dependencies in modules' requirements.txt

	* CI: add script
	* use pyproject.toml instead of

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
Woob 3.3.1 (2023-02-12)

	* fix formatting of README.rst
	* has been renamed to README.rst

	* run 'twine check' to be sure the package is correct

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
Woob 3.3 (2023-02-12)

	Applications: bank
	* cleanup
	* add labels for cash deposit, card summary and deferred card
	* remove the useless 'budgea' command

	Applications: money
	* add a user-friendly error message if colorama isn't installed

	* do not use the deprecated cgi module to detect encoding

	Browser: Filters
	* do not support the 'regex' library anymore
	* add documentation and tests

	* fix compatibility with python3.7
	* remove unused name & type attributes in CapAccountCheck
	* export CapCredentialsCheck
	* doc and typing
	* include also base classes fields in docstring
	* fix docstrings
	* remove unused import
	* update image capacity to instantiate a thumbnail without url
	* fix wind direction by adding 'variable direction' in weather capability
	* fix documentation on seen parameter

	* use a navigation html template to render external links
	* add another example on the main page
	* remove remaining unused files
	* change link to dev install doc
	* some fixes
	* fix label in the capability graph
	* othes graphes
	* add beautiful schemas
	* rework documentation, add a beautiful scheme
	* add link to releases
	* remove remaining debug prints
	* update doc mainpage, index, and style
	* change style of documentation and how to display API
	* rework the README and link to
	* change link to gitlab on the 'last commit' badge
	* fix loading woob

	General: Core
	* update requirement versions
	* update from django
	* now use woob.__version__ instead of WoobBase.VERSION
	* import classproperty from misc
	* add a 'classproperty' decorator
	* update documentation and use typing
	* add a deprecation warning
	* remove useless file
	* change formatting to ReST
	* works even if woob isn't installed as a package
	* compatibility with yt-dlp
	* update supported python versions
	* use assertRegex instead of assertRegexMatches
	* remove useless dependences
	* reformatting to new python features
	* reformatting to modern python features
	* introduces the 'requirements.txt' file in modules
	* fix copyright
	* Add implemented_websites decorator and NotImplementedWebsite
	* do not run unittests on modules
	* add INSTANT TransactionType
	* remove compatibility imports for python2 libraries
	* do not allow __future__ python2 imports anymore
	* gitlab-ci: use python3.7 image

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
Woob 3.2 (2023-01-29)

	* allow filters as conditions for page elements
	* Allow Page.is_here to be a filter
	* update Firefox profile version to latest ESR
	* implement handle callback error
	* add a comment regarding OAuth2Mixin.logged
	* fix value clearing in TwoFactorBrowser
	* fix twofa_logged_date being 'None' in TwoFactorBrowser
	* add URL.with_urls method
	* add URL.with_page method
	* detect URLs when set in PagesBrowser
	* skip locate_browser on config values
	* add custom base URL properties to URLs
	* save request to HAR file even when an exception occur
	* drop requests check 2.0
	* fix OAuth2Mixin indentation

	Browser: Filters
	* make _Filter callable for interface purposes

	* add CapAccountCheck capability
	* add new module flags
	* expose the ability to confirm a transfer cancellation
	* change sca_required_for_transfer_cancellation to False
	* add Croatian kuna
	* AccountOwnerProfile class and profile attribute
	* add GlobalProfileNotImplementedError
	* add counterparty to Transaction
	* remove unused document type INCOME_TAX
	* add IDENTITY and PAYSLIP types for documents
	* add new module flag
	* fix indentation

	* New twocaptcha module (**** FILL ME **** (running woob config update could help))
	* Deleted bolden module

	General: Core
	* fix compatibility with old versions
	* add nofail kwarg to load_backend
	* avoid multiple calls to iter_caps
	* add URL query parameter utilities
	* use current class when loading backend config
	* make modules loader building overridable
	* add a timeout to blinkpdf's process

	Modules: afer
	* rework bypass cloudflare on login
	* bypass cloudflare on login

	Modules: amazon
	* implement workaround to avoid rate limiting on specific page

	Modules: anticaptcha
	* Ignore timeouts while polling
	* Support funcaptcha additional data
	* Add geetestv4 support

	Modules: aviva
	* handle empty redirects pages
	* create method to wrap form login
	* Handle new maintenance page url
	* Correcting srri and code
	* updating old URL for investment detail and performance
	* Changing BASEURL aviva -> abeille-assurances

	Modules: axabanque
	* update loginpage methods
	* Handle more switching cases between browsers
	* Handle insurances from AxaBanqueBrowser
	* Missing quantity from invests

	Modules: banquepopulaire
	* Adding new regex to PATTERNS

	Modules: bnp
	* Add config to browser attributes in __init__()
	* Raise NeedInteractiveFor2FA if the user has to do his 2FA

	Modules: bolden
	* Remove module

	Modules: boursedirect
	* Handle new login
	* Handle login on already logged in browsers

	Modules: boursorama
	* Add XPath for obj_label for some investments
	* Use CleanDecimal.French for attribute in SavingMarketPage
	* Handle specific JS cookie
	* Raise `ActionNeeded` if the account is paused
	* Fetch missing unitvalue
	* Fetch missing investments
	* Detect already used IBANs in recipients
	* Detect amount errors on transfer
	* Detect insufficient funds alert on transfer

	Modules: bouygues
	* Stay on document page while downloading invoices
	* Rework iter_documents to match the website's changes
	* Check for the browser's access_token instead of the state's
	* Handle maintenance page
	* Handle 2FA using email OTP
	* Handle specific login behaviours

	Modules: bp
	* handle 2fa not enabled
	* rework investments for life insurances
	* Increase timeout to 20

	Modules: bred
	* Detect error 90000 on life insurance list
	* updated set_iban to remove useless spaces at the end of iban
	* Fix method to find recipient transfer limit
	* add insurance amount to loans
	* update loans

	Modules: caissedepargne
	* Fix detection of BrowserUnavailable

	Modules: carrefourbanque
	* Various fix on iter_accounts' xpaths
	* Delete
	* Handle new page which fix login error

	Modules: cices
	* Implement recaptcha

	Modules: cmes
	* Set entreprise attribute to True for recaptcha
	* Handle login without captcha
	* Handle recaptcha at login
	* Compute quantity correctly for PER & PEE
	* housekeeping
	* Remove unused pockets handling
	* linting
	* Fetch investments for all accounts

	Modules: cmso
	* Increase timeout and retry form submission
	* Type cnp emeraude as life insurance
	* Trigger sms during 2FA
	* Fix history for market accounts
	* [bpe] Fetch obj_subscription_date for loans

	Modules: creditdunord
	* Raise ActionNeeded for mauvais_contrat error
	* Use customId to go on history page

	Modules: creditmutuel
	* Handle new solidarity page
	* Skip info page about e-documents
	* Add logger for getting the current website
	* Add url to PorPage

	Modules: degiro
	* Handle maintenance page

	Modules: delubac
	* Handle account without transactions

	Modules: ensap
	* update DocumentTypes

	Modules: fortuneo
	* Fetch missing life insurances data

	Modules: franceconnect
	* Add a way to avoid redirection to and out of a FC service

	Modules: free
	* handle private_user_agent for whitelisting purpose

	Modules: freemobile
	* fix a few style details
	* fix recap sub sometimes being set on secondary phone lines
	* "recaps" (invoice summary) is now tied to a virtual subscription
	* fix label and recap handling

	Modules: ganpatrimoine
	* Handle missing JSON key for skipping condition
	* Handle some specific life insurances
	* Fix iter_accounts & investments
	* Handle website unavailable and wrongpass
	* Fix accounts xpath

	Modules: gmf
	* Fix NumberFormatError
	* Update all_transactions page URL

	Modules: groupamaes
	* Implement recaptcha

	Modules: impotsgouvfrpar
	* Add flake 8 compat and remove python 2 compat
	* Raise BrowserIncorrectPassword if ameli is disabled with FC
	* Rename URLs related to franceconnect to prevent matching bug

	Modules: lcl
	* fix card summary typing

	Modules: societegenerale
	* Skip non-investment items
	* Skip iter_subscription when not authorized
	* BaseUrl change to sg
	* Skip recipient page in locate_browser
	* Add new condition for BrowserUnavailable
	* Handle new error

	Modules: twocaptcha
	* Add new module

	Browser: Filters
	General: Core
	* add NO_DEFAULT in misc tools

	General: Core
	* add additional data support to funcaptcha
	* add geetestv4

	Modules: ganassurances
	Modules: ganpatrimoine
	Modules: groupama
	* [ganassurances][groupama] handle OTP

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000
Woob 3.1 (2022-12-20)

	Applications: bank
	* woob-bank: add a convert_currency command based on CapCurrencyRate

	Applications: bill
	* update do_download method

	Applications: dating
	* use _do_and_retry_wait to handle BrowserInteraction errors

	Applications: debug
	* woob-debug: remove rarely used symbol generate_table_element

	Applications: gallery
	* update copyright year

	Applications: msg
	* improvements in Atom formatter
	* use fillobj to expand Threads and Messages

	Applications: translate
	* display language_to in order to know if tranlsation comes from a territory specific language

	Applications: weather
	* woob-weather: rewrite some smarty-pants code for temperature

	* Fix DictElement's find_elements to account for dicts
	* encode 'data' only if this is a dict
	* decode request body bytes
	* Add ItemElementRerootMixin
	* move TwoFactorBrowser in its own file
	* put back missing str() call
	* don't resolve entities in XMLParser
	* handle encoding in forms
	* easy HTTPAdapter class override in Browser and Session
	* woob.*: use keyword-only arguments for some functions
	* drop `async` param support, use `is_async` instead
	* Change __states__ from array to tuple
	* New SwitchingBrowserWithState class
	* drop obsolete PhantomJS support
	* access_token_expire handled with TZ
	* Convert twofa_logged_date to tz aware if needed in load_state
	* keep track of oauth2 authorization date
	* StatesMixin: use UTC datetimes
	* handle twofa date more consistently
	* Harmonize URL.go and URL.stay_or_go
	* update HTMLPage.REFRESH_XPATH attribute
	* Allows Env to be set when ItemElement are used directly
	* Abstract*: Remove a limit of ItemElementFromAbstractPage
	* Failed access_token request is not a wrongpass
	* multiple inheritance with AbstractPage
	* Add --disable-gpu option for chrome driver

	Browser: Filters
	* truncate string in Regexp error message
	* Tried the new method for CleanText only for lxml.
	* add basic documentation on BrowserURL filter
	* CleanText(newlines=False) shouldn't strip newlines
	* Currency now manage EmptyType
	* make @debug more lazy

	* Add value in DocumentCategory
	* Fix CapDocument default get_subscription
	* sync back state of cap
	* Improve TransferError and AddRecipientError docstrings
	* implement CapCredentialsCheck in CapBank and CapDocument
	* Add new CapCredentialsCheck capability
	* Specify the format for empty lines
	* Add new find generic method
	* Add label for balance object
	* move str->type resolution code for clarity and tests
	* narrow exception types for Field conversion errors
	* Add new capability
	* Add is_fake attribute to Subscription class
	* Add objects Balance and BalanceType
	* Add insurance related fields to the Loans class
	* more improvements to Person
	* fix and reword other fields
	* Add stock_market field to Investment model
	* use empty string as default id
	* have default "url" param for Thumbnail.__init__
	* remote obsolete (it's now under bank/)
	* capabilities/bill - Add new DocumentCategory class
	* Add stock_symbol field to investments and market orders
	* Add new AccountType "CROWDLENDING"
	* add two new conditions to pocket object
	* add Rate __repr__() and convert()
	* Add support for multiple instructions in transfers
	* comment on Pocket for bad conditions
	* rename LICENSES (with compat alias)
	* Added BGN currency to currencies dict
	* Add new accepted_execution_frequencies to CapTransfer
	* Add new frequencies in TransferFrequency
	* Add new TransferStatus for PERIODIC transfers
	* update Bill's price and income warning messages

	* New allianzbanque module (CapBank, CapBankTransfer, CapBankWealth, CapContact, CapCredentialsCheck, CapProfile, CapTransfer)
	* New bienici module (CapHousing)
	* New bnp module (CapBank, CapBankTransfer, CapBankTransferAddRecipient, CapBankWealth, CapContact, CapCredentialsCheck, CapDocument, CapMessages, CapProfile, CapTransfer)
	* New bumble module (CapDating)
	* New deliveroo module (CapCredentialsCheck, CapDocument)
	* New donnons module (CapMessages)
	* New federalfinancees module (CapBank, CapBankWealth, CapCredentialsCheck, CapDocument, CapProfile)
	* New fnaim module (CapHousing)
	* New ganpatrimoine module (CapBank, CapBankWealth, CapCredentialsCheck, CapProfile)
	* New helios module (CapBank, CapBankTransfer, CapBankTransferAddRecipient, CapCredentialsCheck, CapTransfer)
	* New kraken module (CapBank, CapBankTransfer, CapBankTransferAddRecipient, CapCredentialsCheck, CapCurrencyRate, CapTransfer)
	* New ladresse module (CapCredentialsCheck, CapDocument, CapProfile)
	* New lemondediplo module (CapMessages)
	* New lesterrains module (CapHousing)
	* New lita module (CapBank, CapBankWealth, CapCredentialsCheck, CapProfile)
	* New milleis module (CapBank, CapBankWealth, CapCredentialsCheck, CapProfile)
	* New mondialrelay module (CapParcel)
	* New onlinenonograms module (CapPicross)
	* New payfit module (CapCredentialsCheck, CapDocument)
	* New pixncross module (CapPicross)
	* New primonialreim module (CapBank, CapCredentialsCheck, CapDocument)
	* New privatebin module (CapPaste)
	* New puzzlemadness module (CapPicross)
	* New roblox module (CapBank, CapBankWealth, CapCredentialsCheck, CapProfile)
	* New sohappy module (CapCredentialsCheck, CapDocument, CapProfile)
	* New tiime module (CapBank, CapCredentialsCheck, CapProfile)
	* New tinyview module (CapMessages)
	* New transatplan module (CapBank, CapBankWealth, CapCredentialsCheck)
	* Deleted pixtoilelibre module
	* Deleted presseurop module
	* Deleted sachsen module
	* Deleted taz module
	* Deleted vine module
	* Deleted yahoo module

	General: Core
	* remove the 'urls' useless property
	* use unicode for borders
	* remove outdated corporate addresses
	* Add sort code related utilities
	* add a private method _do_and_retry_wait
	* use yaml.SafeLoader where possible
	* quote table names
	* Revise investment tests
	* mark some subprocesses calls with "nosec" for bandit checks
	* improve ActionNeeded by allowing extra details
	* add --force-ipv4 and --force-ipv6
	* Add pattern translation pair in DATE_TRANSLATE_FR for 'févr'
	* Add FrenchParser patterns to handle the accent in february
	* remove patterns that are relevant to editors, not the repo
	* use dateutil.parser.parserinfo for translation
	* add DATE_TRANSLATE_SP for Spain and parse_foreign_date()
	* remove altogether
	* use official xunitparser again now it's fixed
	* add expires_at to 2FA exceptions
	* add medium_label to OfflineOTPQuestion
	* Use tz.tzutc instead of gettz
	* stop supporting python <3.4
	* Use gettz instead of tz.UTC
	* fix deprecated py3.3 non-abc import
	* replace deprecated ConfigParser.readfp calls
	* bad import and bad type
	* fix iter_existing_module_names which should return names
	* recreate user woob_modules/ if invalid
	* remove duplicated code
	* get rid of ADDITIONAL_CONFIG, it's useless now
	* allow to load modules from a given path
	* add DEPENDENCIES to a module and install them
	* fix dead link
	* minor changes for OTP/Decoupled enums and ConfigError
	* respect NO_COLOR env variable
	* map Yasmine Idwy
	* finer-grained exceptions for decoupled validation
	* finer-grained exceptions for OTP questions
	* improve Module.ConfigError as well
	* add optional "bad_fields" to BrowserIncorrectPassword
	* gitlab-ci.yml: cache pip downloads
	* remove outdated category code
	* set content type of
	* optimisation when calling stty
	* add some helpers
	* put compatibility
	* move most stuff in .woob
	* remove so git can detect the rename
	* rename apps and move a contributor

	Modules: 750g
	* get recipe from full url
	* fix module website got updated

	Modules: afer
	* Changing order of actions in AferBrowser

	Modules: agendaculturel
	* bump schema/org to https

	Modules: agendadulibre
	* fix module : No need of strict option in DateTime filter

	Modules: allianzbanque
	* add retry on iter_coming in case of ServerError
	* new CapBank module

	Modules: allrecipes
	* fix #537: website got updated

	Modules: amazon
	* Add flake8 compatibility and update deprecated code
	* Collect every invoice and order summary from the orders
	* Properly raise BrowserPasswordExpired on password expired
	* Handle expired password after the account switcher page
	* Handle specific login behaviour related to account switcher
	* Handle account switcher on iter_subscriptions
	* Add a new xpath to get a document link
	* Use HTTPNotFound instead of ClientError to catch 404
	* Rework the method to change the language
	* Ignore state url for a specific POST only url
	* Increase timeout to 30 to prevent timeout errors on slower responses
	* Handle documents pagination correctly for german website
	* Try to login again if the 2FA page has expired
	* Prevent language change for the french website
	* Handle additional wrongpass messages for uk, de and us browsers
	* Change get_form attribute to get the login with captcha form
	* Handle image captcha at login
	* tag categories
	* Fix FormNotFound exception from "approval" step
	* Use ValueTransient for request_information
	* start polling for app validation on approval_page
	* handle order summary for english websites
	* handle account switcher
	* remove LoggedPage because we are not logged
	* raise AuthMethodNotImplemented for specific 2FA
	* fix crash with app validation on resume
	* handle unavailable date and ignore empty orders
	* download order summary when there are multiple invoices for one order
	* handle order's summary as a pdf when it's a pdf
	* handle specific cases at login
	* fix Client Error at state loading
	* handle new wrongpass reasons
	* handle incomplete profiles
	* Handle unavailable invoices
	* Prevent sms spam and remove restricted URL to not trigger sms sending

	Modules: ameli
	* Inherit from franceconnect using AbstractModule and AbstractBrowser
	* Remove unicode_leterals imports and coding utf-8
	* Raise BrowserUnavailable for direct login if it's unavailable
	* Add France Connect ameli and impots
	* Changed obj_price for obj_total_price
	* Added handling of password renewal
	* Add number of digits in login label to help user
	* raise BrowserUnavailable in ErrorPage.on_load
	* New wrongpass case and BrowserUnavailable xpath
	* Make module flake8 compatible

	Modules: amelipro
	* Rework module

	Modules: americanexpress
	* new login is not supported
	* Add a missing page on a selenium browser
	* Make timestamp python 2 compatible
	* Use a bit of selenium to pass the fingerprinting
	* Detect when amex is blocking our IP
	* Overriding locate_browser was a mistake
	* Add information on how to work with the s2 payload
	* Register device to prevent further SCA
	* Handle SCA without enrolment

	Modules: amundi
	* Fix Account has not attribute _sub_accounts
	* Fix investment unit value
	* Fix account label
	* Fix master account id
	* Fix account object has not sub_accounts
	* Fix fake and splitted accounts
	* Lint module
	* fix pocket for PER and PERCO
	* fix pocket condition
	* Skip pockets with quantity set to 0
	* instantiate attribute
	* Fix wrong pass auth fail
	* [caels] Add a NotAvailable default value to the SRRI value
	* handle olisnet investments
	* rework axa invest and fix invest performances
	* Skip pockets available in 2100-01-01
	* New details and performance URLs amundi_investments page
	* Handle 401 Error caused by wrong username
	* Set token header only on needed routes
	* New URL for bnp_investments
	* New login and changes for the parsing
	* Set owner_type to private for every account
	* filter out 'arbitrage' transactions

	Modules: anticaptcha
	* put errorCode in Exception message
	* NocaptchaTask was renamed here too
	* add support for reCaptcha v3 enterprise
	* add a way to change the minimum score for RecaptchaV3

	Modules: apivie
	* Handle new login
	* add account type for 'intencial archipel'
	* Changed a route name (from contrat to contrats)

	Modules: april
	* Fix for downloading documents
	* Update module with the new website

	Modules: avendrealouer
	* fix relative import
	* fix module; website got updated

	Modules: aviva
	* fix desync between budget-insight and free repositories
	* update after site changes

	Modules: axabanque
	* Add default value and fix regex on isinCode
	* Update password regex
	* Allow login for every passwords and not only passwords with digits
	* Remove digits check for password in the browser
	* Change password regex according to the website's security policy
	* add missing ValueTransients
	* Remove AddRecipient from module capabilities
	* Handle password renewal and post credentials through JSON
	* Check balance before iter_investments
	* Remove virtual keyboard
	* add retry on balances_coming in case of a ServerError
	* Remove useless IsinCode regex
	* Decode bytes encoded code_verifier
	* Account type fix
	* Keep the login session id
	* Create AccountsPage
	* Rework the module
	* add accepted_document_types
	* better handle profile page unavailable
	* handle profile page unavailable
	* handle BrowserUnavailable
	* raise browser password expired
	* Typing per accounts
	* fix navigation to wealth space for investments & history
	* Need to visit accounts before pmo
	* update path for investments
	* wealth accounts url changed
	* New error message for browser unavailable
	* Handle undownloadable documents and downloads with a URL
	* Added a way to detect maintenance
	* Fix login end redirects
	* avoid infinite redirect loop

	Modules: banqueaccord
	* Revert "[banqueaccord] add value to backend config"
	* add value to backend config

	Modules: banquepopulaire
	* update loan type
	* implement CLOUDCARD 2FA method
	* Fix loan's details missing data
	* ServerError handling for some users in iter_account
	* New JS file name
	* handle otp errors
	* update profile availablity
	* handle bad url after BrowserUnavailable exception
	* accept lower security DH key size for OpenSSL
	* Handle missing IBAN
	* Add new case in BasePage.is_error
	* Fix iter_history_investments
	* New string condition for ServerError 500
	* Handle ServerError for AccountsPage
	* Fix taskInfoOID to access linebourse space
	* better 2FA handling
	* put user_code in the state
	* Use user_code provide from the bank
	* wrong account type
	* AuthorizePage can be HTML or json
	* handle website front refresh
	* Handle investments unavailability
	* Handle loan details unavailability
	* typing lifeinsurance base on account number pattern
	* Capitalize username
	* Update the way we are checking the good taskInfoOID
	* block detail request when loan is fully refunded
	* Logger to associate unknown security level and SCA
	* Replace weboob with woob
	* Check login errors with caissedepargne feature
	* Handle response status after the login flow
	* Handle landing on the wrong page after redirect
	* Handle not existing subscriptions
	* Properly handle 2FA
	* allow success with password
	* Use website and self.config
	* Implement 2FA
	* get random nonce at login
	* Fetch PRO loans specific attributes
	* Handle temporary unavailability when accessing subscriptions
	* Asking for a fallback authentication if user choose certificates authentication
	* Comment to prevent term_id
	* change "enseigne" for creditmaritime
	* add is_creditmaritime for creditmaritime websites
	* Manage unavailability of the API during iter documents
	* Add owner type based on default universe
	* Use group for python 2.7
	* iter documents over a year
	* add typing to PEA accounts
	* Handle ReadTimeout during user_info request
	* Raise BrowserUnavailable if ErrorPage before get_profile
	* Raise BrowserUnavailable if error during new_login
	* Improve subbank regex for child module
	* Fix TypeError
	* Implement get_current_subbank
	* Adapt module for children changes
	* Make revolving credit's balance negative

	Modules: barclays
	* reintroduce module for compatibility as abstract module

	Modules: becm
	* handle login with different baseurl
	* Revert " [becm] Get rid of abstracts"
	*  [becm] Get rid of abstracts
	* Fix app validation
	* Update BASEURL

	Modules: bforbank
	* Ignore yet unactivated cards
	* Retry on pagination of iter_history
	* Update OTP message and regex
	* Fix life insurance history
	* handle rib page unavailability
	* Ensure that twofa get_expires returns a tz aware value
	* Add MaintenancePage
	* Handle more login errors
	* only reach rib page when it exists
	* fix IBAN and card page with account._url_code
	* New url to get checking accounts comming transactions
	* Fix URL to investments space
	* Change regex in order to correctly recover url value
	* Fix navigation to life insurance space
	* Make loan's balance negative

	Modules: bienici
	* fix module - website got updated
	* bienici

	Modules: binck
	* Implemented Market Orders
	* Add account number
	* Handle ActionNeeded on login
	* Raise ActionNeeded on login

	Modules: bnp
	* Add the insurance amount
	* Increase range for redirections
	* Move new login redirection process in bnp browser
	* Handle new redirection process for Hello Bank
	* iter_documents only with part domain
	* Handle par URL in login redirect
	* Hande login redirect url for pro users
	* Add an other check on wrongpass at login
	* adapt Hellobank browser to new bnp login
	* Add new_login process with check for old_login
	* Fix Hellobank login procedure
	* don't extract currency for recipients as it can be wrong
	* handle 404
	* Some lines on investment table are empty
	* wasn't extracting life insurance

	Modules: bnpcards
	* fix NoneType error
	* repair phenix switch

	Modules: bnporc
	* remove now useless files since module is an abstractmodule
	* Add owner_type to some accounts
	* Update password renewal URLs and reimplement change_pass feature
	* Revert "[bnporc/pp] Temporarily remove change_pass feature"
	* fix typing for PER account
	* typing per account for bnporc
	* typing PER account
	* Handle error message if Natio insurance life space is unavailable
	* Fixes crash during do_login if we already are logged in
	* Change Regex on UselessPage URL to improve matching
	* Check for otp and special cases after the confirmation step of transfers
	* Handle login error messages not in error_lists
	* py2 compatibility
	* fix double (crashing) logging on get_account method
	* Handle new URL as UselessPage
	* Fix iter_documents missing for hellobank browser
	* Handle error cases
	* Manage temporary password expired error message
	* Fixes broken transfers resulting in a MTO007 bank error
	* Handle error message
	* Handling new url for password expire
	* Handling new error code at login
	* Overload errors_list URL
	* Temporarily remove change_pass feature
	* Rework login as it is done on the website
	* Catch otp information during redirect
	* Avoid infinite loop redirections and catch PasswordExpired

	Modules: bnppere
	* add transient request_information to CONFIG
	* Set owner_type to private
	* handle infinite redirection loop on visiogo login

	Modules: bolden
	* Type accounts with new type TYPE_CROWDLENDING
	* implement otp at login

	Modules: boursedirect
	* Do not fetch unitvalue if it's given as a percentage
	* Improve balance Xpath in order to adapt it for ing child
	* Fix xpath for account balance
	* Handle GBX currency for investments

	Modules: boursorama
	* Fix KeyError
	* Add app validation support for transfers and recipients
	* Fix recipient creation
	* Handle Gestion Profilee investments in PEA accounts
	* Upper case recipient ibans to ensure they are valid
	* Add default value on card_key Coalesce
	* empty ids should be empty string, not NotAvailable
	* avoid to iter on all history for comings transactions
	* Add 'CLASSIC' to 'PREMIER' label replacement
	* Fix default value for market_order_link
	* Handle ULTIM and METAL cards label cases
	* handle card accounts
	* Skipping unavailable market accounts
	* increase history depth
	* Fix transfer date type matching
	* Get insurance amount for loans
	* Handling two new error messages at login
	* Detect if scraping is blocked on new recipient page
	* Handle identical transactions
	* handling new urls
	* Handle transactions in "authorization" status
	* Handle new ActionNeeded case
	* Increase TO in get_filled_account
	* New span class for transaction label
	* Handle incident account page
	* Handle card renewal page after login
	* Remove whitespaces in url
	* Add timeout and retry on get_filled_accounts